Island Troll Tribes Official Wiki
Building Type Miscellaneous
Life Invulnerable
Armor Invulnerable
Slots 6

A special building which is used for construction when not enough inventory slots are available (e.g. when a tribe has no Gatherer and would like to construct a Witch Doctor's Hut or a Hatchery). It also allows players to schedule duels, and is located in the center of the map just below the mammoth lair.


This building cannot be built.

Used to Make:[]

  • Anything that can be created in a troll's inventory.

Building Abilities[]

Inventory: This building acts as a troll inventory, allowing a troll with (for example) 3 slots to make items requiring 6 slots.
Duel: Attacking this building allows people to schedule duels. This section is to be expanded.